Tom Gebicz has been flying drones since 2013 when he was introduced to the original DJI Phantom. Since then, he has flown his drone in many parts of the world capturing stunning images. Today, Tom is a fully licensed advanced drone operator with Transport Canada and enjoys capturing Barrie and the surrounding area as “Barrie’s Drone Pilot”.
We were thrilled when Tom agreed to be in our Community Spotlight which allowed us to ask him a few questions about his business, ROCKiT All Media.
When did you first realize you had a passion for flying drones and when did you establish ROCKiT All Media?
I first developed a passion for drones about 8 years ago when I discovered my love of photography had merged with my other passion, aviation. All of a sudden I was able to take photos and videos from a birds eye view. I was hooked! RockitAll Media was created about a year ago as an extension from my regular business, RockitHome Media, where I cater to Real Estate Agents. RockitAll Media is everything but specifically Real Estate including previous work with music, lifestyle, and wedding videos.
Is this your first time owning a local business and if so, was it always a dream of yours?
Yes, first time owning an official business and it has always been on my “to do list.” I’ve done freelance work for years now, however, with the recent pandemic, and being laid off as a commercial airline pilot, I decided this would be a perfect time to start that official business!
ROCKiT All Media is a unique name. Where did it originate from?
Name is a bit of a play on word for “Rocket”… As I do enjoy all things aviation, including space. “Rockit” also caters to my love of music and playing instruments. Let’s Rock it All!
What is your favourite thing about owning a local business?
Setting my own schedule and interacting with different people from all walks of life, being able to activate the creative side of my mind, and watching/hearing people’s reactions when their vision comes to life through photos and videos. It’s a great feeling!
How far up in the sky can you legally fly your drone and have you ever had any unexpected accidents by flying too low or too high?
Legally, all we get is 400 feet as drone pilots. We can go higher if we receive special permission from Transport Canada. Safety is always a priority, as we drone pilots don’t want to come in contact with airplanes so we stay low. And yes… I’ve had a large bird grab my drone mid-air and dropped it. Luckily the drone was fine. As for the bird? I think it got away no problem. 🙂
What do you like the most about flying a drone and taking photos?
I love the advancing technology in drone flight. Incredible little machines they are! And photos… I believe having a way to document our lives in the form of beautiful photos these days is such a great privilege we all have access to. Our ancestors would have been astonished!
What does it mean to be a fully licensed drone pilot? Is there an advantage to this?
Fully licensed means, we have taken written tests and performed flight tests in front of Transport Canada Examiners to show we are capable of flying drones a certain weight class and up. The advantage is one can fly more advanced and larger drones with safety being the number one priority. Knowing where and how to use them is something I think that all drone pilots should be aware of.
What does Tom like to do in his free time?
Free time… Construction/Renos! DIY! Drums. Motorcycle. Read. Travel. Finding the time is the tricky part!
If you had any words of encouragement or advice for someone thinking of opening up their own business to follow their dreams, what would they be?
Start now. Before you think you are ready. Don’t wait for a perfect time. Everything else will just fall into place.
Tom definitely caught my attention a few months ago as he continued to post such spectacular images and when the time was right I reached out to him to see if he would be interested in creating a promotional video for Lagoon City Life to help me bring my vision to light and I am so pleased with the result. It is truly remarkable how he captured our beautiful community and we encourage you to view Lagoon City Life’s Promotional Video that Tom created for us by clicking this link: Lagoon City Life.
Creator, Tom Gebicz is a photographer, videographer and fixed wing pilot specializing in advanced drone operations. For more information please visit: and We also encourage you to follow Tom on Instagram at: Barries Drone Pilot and ROCKiT Home Media where he continues to share stunning images he continues to capture up close and in the sky.

ROCKitHome Real Estate Media